Tuesday, July 31, 2012


One of the catalysts for this collection of writings and images was viewing a film in which a woman wept tears comprised of a myriad of emotions. 

She said that it was through studying the images of goddesses that she had, for the first time in her life, seen a positive image of-and-for herself. 

That is heart-rendering. Women -- and the fine folks who love, admire, adore, and honor them (YES, I am looking at you!) 

...are often given images/feedback/suggestions/admonishments about how they fall short of some skewed/screwed ideal. Commercial media tantalizes and teases and creates odd and twisted yearnings, working through negation (get rid of that, bind that, hide this). 

Work -- at times -- goes unsung (for everyone). Education brings an acute awareness of…all the things yet to be learned. The things that women have specialized in -- say, oh, creating life, nurturing relationships, celebrating the moment, are esteemed on the abstract level.

 Yet there is often scant institutional/societal support systems in place (i.e. pregnancy leave, child/elder/health care, scheduling conflicts that can bind the working parent).

In short, how about the message -- which is obvious, but sometimes the obvious is astounding--

 That each woman -- and man -- and child  (and every lovely sentient being seeking to express gender in her/his own individual fashion), is perfect, as is

This includes dust on the windowsill, the dissertation-in-progress monopolizing the desk, the hot chocolate stain on the duvet. Furgetaboutit! You are vibrant, interesting, unique, fascinating, funny, energetic, quirky and truly marvelous just the way you are. 

That's the fun (and funny) thing they don't always tell you. In goddess imagery/stories/anecdotes, the divine entities have desires, dreams, idiosyncrasies, flaws, and strengths and virtues. Divine my the merit of existence.

Don't change a thing...unless you want to. Stand up. Shout. Sing. Dance. Be the glorious, gorgeous, delicious being that you are. Blow your own horn! 

Plant the garden, pick the flowers. Be. Beautiful.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Balance is Beautiful!

So much for the Battle of the Sexes. To quote the late Rodney King, "Can't we all get along?" So...it was a slow day for saving the planet, and the brainiacs decided to work on something that would facilitate people pulling together. And what says "teamwork" like a -- drum roll please -- IQ Test?

There they were, the testees (you know what I mean) 1,000 darlings, ages 15 to 18 ("get 'em while they're young" ) 500 of each gender, seated and plied with the Test.

Before we get to the results (from abc News/ Medical Unit "Women Beat Men on IQ Tests For First Time" by Carrie Cann,  http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/health/2012/07/16/women-beat-men-on-iq-tests-for-first-time/) I would like to posit a theory of my own. Consider this a gift. Well, not like a gift-gift, since when you and I run into one another at a favorite watering hole, it would be a fine thing -- a truly classy gesture -- if you sent one over by the way of appreciation for dropping this nugget. Hint: I can't always be pulling my own Night Train and working this blog (dang it!). Be that as it may...

Let us ask ourselves...what's a small differential on an IQ test? Back to the results...well, the title pretty much spills it. Back to my theory: intelligence is comprised of many different gifts: There is body/athletic talent. Emotional wisdom and empathy (over-rated!). Quantitative. Verbal. Spacial. Musical. Magical. Intuitive. Artistic. There is a special one... might label it Wilde Intelligence (after Oscar). With this, the individual says witty things, is emotionally sensitive, dresses divinely, enjoys the moment, seizes the day, and then...trips over her/his own genitals/feet/evidence.

There is scientific acumen. Books smarts. Street wisdom. (Un-)common sense. Bed skills. Culinary inventiveness. Green thumbs (hell, the whole appendage, from tips to armpits is good for growing on some folks -- but I digress...). There are those who whisper to horses, listen to children, sway crowds, and make spirits soar.

We are all part of the puzzle. The concept that one type of something is better than another variety is a manifestation of the belief in duality and dichotomy: good/bad, pretty/ugly, salty/sweet, black/white, heaven/hell, virgin/whore, and the one that really seems to get us into a whole lotta muck -- again, and again, and a friggin' again -- me/others. The truth is that we are delicious mysteries. We all contain worlds within ourselves. We are divine. And divinely contradictory. For instance, when we run into one another next, I will (probably) send one over your table, just to shake things up. To manifest and make tangible the mystery.

 Keep 'em guessing.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Yes, We're Talking 'bout Your Mama!

So, the question before us now, as we examine the way women are treated around the world, the way women treat themselves and others, and the special pleasures and many responsibilities that fall upon the shoulders of the goddess in modern incarnation is: Is this what we truly want to manifest? How do we want to create our world? And what do we envision as our legacy.

That is the invitation. Well, it is a part of it.

The other part is a warm and cordial welcome. Come in!

Dig it!

The earliest form of attempting to wretch an examination the human condition, and celebrating the gifts of natures has been, in every civilization that has been dug up, covered, excavated, and examined --in a desire to find out about the origin of our Homo sapiens past provided evidence of earth worship, awe at the miracle of creation, and creativity devoted to lore and legend of the Divine Feminine.
We're talking about the cycles. Generation and regeneration. Maturation, nurturance and abundance.

Does this mean putting women on a pedestal? Hardly.  Favoring one sex or gender over another? (Goddesses forbid!)  It is simply recognizing the gifts and work, and well… that building, beautifying, and bemused creativity and inventiveness that women -- and those who know and love them -- do so very, very well.

This leads us to Goddesses Gone Wild -- celebrating and examining the juicy, succulent, and inviting.

The F word

Let us speak of the feminine divine -- and the divinely feminine.
Carl Jung posited both sexes contain a part of the consciousness of the other: the anima is the female aspect(s) of the biologically male; the animus the male perspective(s)of the biologically female. A fine thing, according to the good Doc.

Now, as of late, the "F" word has gotten a bad rap in some circles. Yes, it is Feminism. And Feminism is fine. Flirty. fraught with meaning.

Goddesses Gone Wild is a venue to explore the joy of femininity. All are welcome.