Wednesday, February 20, 2013

OMG! It's a catfight

It's like a car wreck. You look. You feel guilty for looking. You look again...

Same holds true with OMG!'s "Who Wore It Better." You know about this. Don't play innocent. We both know that we've clicked on it; then assayed the famous beauties on display who -- oh the humanity! -- wore the same dress. Even if it was at different events -- years apart -- there is a picture of them, both, on the red carpet, each striking a pose and staring with love into the camera.

And this being the society in which we find ourselves (and which we have helped to form), we are going to compare them and then publicly opine and vote as to who wore it better. And if these impeccable lovelies are found wanting, what about the merely mortal among us? By opining on every aspect of attire, footwear, cosmetics, accessories, hair style, age, body shape/tone/weight, as well as professional accomplishments and personal histories, are we not judging all women?

For the sake of argument, let's suppose these "challenges" as to "who wore it better" are an excellent idea; then ask: Does this go far enough? In homage to the historical precedents of shaming, naming, and public humiliation, why don't we put the two women in stocks, supply the hoi polloi with rotting vegetables and really go at it? No, that would be wrong, you say. Oh, all deference to those of a delicate sensibility, we'll put the public stocks concept on abeyance for now -- but we won't know it is on or off the island until we've voted -- thumbs up/thumbs down, as in the ancient coliseum, in our on-line forum.

Wait....the ancient coliseum....This is our inspiration! Gladiators! Two go in... and only one comes out!

Or maybe we could sacrifice the loser to the business end of a volcano come fashion week in Paris or New York?

Far be it from London to say that there is anything intrinsically wrong in comparing women; I'm simply suggesting that if we are to go down this road, that we take history, precedent, and entertainment value into consideration. We, the public, deserve (though one would be hard-pressed to explain why we deserve this -- but we do!) at the very least a hair-pulling, biting, clawing, spitting, dress-ripping CAT FIGHT!

Yes! Release the hounds! Let the games begin!


  1. You mean "Fashion Face-Off"

  2. So I I do.

    Wait -- I think both pages exist!

    Could this be a new contest? Be still my beating heart!
