Showing posts with label review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label review. Show all posts

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Between the Covers with Eight Girls Taking Pictures

Yes, it is a purposely salacious blog title. Now, what of it?

So...moving right along, here's that promised review of Whitney Otto's novel Eight Girls Taking Pictures.
What can one say? That this tome is an homage to art and the dilemmas and opportunities that are an intrinsic part of creating? That Otto examines, in eight interlinking stories, what it's like to be a woman -- caught in time, in love, lust, excitement, possibility? That Otto captures in words like photographic detail, images and ideas and sensuous experience? Let us answer, "Yes!"

This is a novel of ideas. But don't let that scare you, my lovely. For example, among the ideas is one that discloses how to be the perfect subject of a photograph. You can become the very image of delight. No more embarrassing wedding shots, no more unflattering booty call F-book pics wallpapered for all  perpetuity. Even mug shots will come out better when one implements this advice. Instead of culling this gem from the other riches of the book, I leave you to discover it for yourself.

Oh, and there is a delightful twist to the wearing of a pearl necklace...

Life is an adventure and sumptuous feast and Otto has captured it brilliantly. Buy the book. Read it, gift it, live it.